Delve into the captivating realm of European butterflies with our meticulously crafted poster, a testament to the rich biodiversity of this continent. Europe is home to a diverse array of butterfly species, and our poster serves as an educational and visual gateway to their intricate world. From the resplendent hues of the Peacock Butterfly to the delicate elegance of the Common Blue, we present a comprehensive portrayal of these winged wonders, replete with scientific accuracy and attention to detail.
There are more than 140 different species featured on the poster.
All species are identified by their scientific names, accompanied by their respective English and German names where applicable.
About butterflies in Europe
Butterflies, represent a diverse and ecologically significant order of insects in Europe. Their taxonomy and distribution are meticulously documented, with thousands of species recorded across the continent. This taxonomically complex group comprises families such as Nymphalidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, and Lycaenidae, each exhibiting unique morphological and behavioral traits shaped by ecological pressures. The vivid wing coloration observed in many European butterfly species serves multifaceted functions, including thermoregulation, predator avoidance, and mate selection, mediated by complex physiological and genetic processes. Furthermore, butterflies act as vital indicators of environmental health, responding sensitively to changes in habitat quality and climate. Understanding the intricate biology of European butterflies contributes significantly to broader studies of biodiversity conservation, evolutionary biology, and ecosystem dynamics within the context of ongoing environmental change.
European butterflies | poster details




The featured species in this ‘European butterfly’ poster (part 1)
1) Aglais io | European peacock | Tagpfauenauge
2) Vanessa atalanta | red admiral | Admiral
3) Nymphalis antiopa | morning cloak | Trauermantel
4) Nymphalis polychloros | large tortoiseshell | Großer Fuchs
5) Aglais urticae | small tortoiseshell | Kleiner Fuchs
6) Nymphalis vaualbum | Compton tortoiseshell | Weißes L
7) Vanessa cardui | painted lady | Distelfalter
8) Polygonia c-album | the comma | C-Falter
9) Polygonia egea | southern comma | Gelber C-Falter
10) Araschnia levana | the map | Landkärtchen
11) Araschnia levana f. prorsa | the map | Landkärtchen
12) Libythea celtis | European beak | Zürgelbaumfalter
13) Colias hyale | pale clouded yellow | Goldene Acht
14) Aporia crataegi | black-veined white | Baumweissling
15) Pontia callidice | peak white | Alpen-Weißling
16) Pontia daplidice | Bath white | Westlicher Resedaweißling
17) Pieris brassicae | large white | Grosser Kohlweissling
18) Pieris brassicae | large white | Grosser Kohlweissling
19) Colias croceus | clouded yellow | Postillion
20) Gonepteryx rhamni | common brimstone | Zitronenfalter
21) Gonepteryx cleopatra | Cleopatra | Kleopatra-Falter
22) Anthocharis euphenoides | Provence orange tip | Gelber Aurorafalter
23) Anthocharis cardamines | orange tip | Aurorafalter
24) Anthocharis cardamines | orange tip (f) | Aurorafalter
25) Leptidea sinapis | wood white | Senfweißling
26) Parnassius apollo | mountain Apollo | Roter Apollo
27) Limenitis populi | poplar admiral | Großer Eisvogel
28) Limenitis reducta | southern white admiral | Blauschwarzer Eisvogel
29) Limenitis camilla | white admiral | Kleiner Eisvogel
30) Neptis sappho | common glider | Schwarzbrauner Trauerfalter
31) Neptis rivularis | Hungarian glider | Schwarzer Trauerfalter
32) Colias phicomone | mountain clouded yellow | Alpen-Gelbling
33) Pieris bryoniae | dark-veined white | Bergweißling
34) Pieris rapae | small white | Kleiner Kohlweißling
35) Pieres napi | green-veined white | Rapsweißling
36) Apatura iris | purple emperor | Großer Schillerfalter
37) Apatura ilia | lesser purple emperor | Kleiner Schillerfalter
38) Charaxes jasius | two-tailed pasha | Erdbeerbaumfalter
39) Papilio machaon | swallowtail | Schwalbenschwanz
40) Papilio alexanor | Alexanor, southern swallowtail | Alexanor Schwalbenschwanz
41) Iphiclides podalirius | scarce swallowvtail | Segelfalter
42) Parnassius phoebus | small Apollo | Alpenapollo
43) Brintesia circe | great banded grayling | Weißer Waldportier Kopie
44) Chazara briseis | hermit | Berghexe
45) Melanargia galathea | marbled white | Schachbrett
46) Melanargia lachesis | Iberian marbled white | Iberisches Schachbrett
47) Melanargia russiae | Esper’s marbled white | Esper’s Schachbrett
48) Parnassius mnemosyne | clouded Apollo | Schwarzer Apollo
49) Allancastria cerisyi | eastern festoon | Balkan-Osterluzeifalter
50) Zerynthia rumina | Spanish festoon | Spanische Osterluzeifalter
51) Brenthis daphne | marbled fritillary | Brombeer Perlmuttfalter
52) Brenthis ino | lesser marbled fritillary | Mädesüß-Perlmuttfalter
53) Argynnis paphia | silver-washed fritillary | Kaisermantel
54) Fabriciana niobe | Niobe fritillary | Mittlerer Perlmuttfalter
55) Argynnis paphia (f) | silver-washed fritillary | Kaisermantel
56) Argynnis pandora | cardinal | Kardinal
57) Boloria selene | small pearl-bordered fritillary | Braunfleckiger Perlmuttfalter
58) Boloria dia | Weaver’s fritillary | Magerrase Perlmuttfalter
59) Boloria pales | shepherd’s fritillary | Alpenmatten-Perlmuttfalter
60) Boloria thore | Thor’s fritillary | Alpen-Perlmuttfalter
61) Melitaea athalia | heath fritillary | Gemeiner Scheckenfalter
62) Melitaea cinxia | Glanville fritillary | Wegerich-Scheckenfalter
63) Melitaea didyma | spotted fritillary | Roter Scheckenfalter
64) Melitaea trivia | lesser spotted fritillary | Bräunlicher Scheckenfalter
65) Melitaea phoebe | knapweed fritillary | Flockenblumen-Scheckenfalter
66) Maniola jurtina | maedow brown | Großes Ochsenauge
67) Satyrus ferula | great sooty satyr | Weißkernauge
68) Arethusana arethusa | false grayling | Rotbindiger Samtfalter
69) Minois dryas | dryad | Blauäugiger Waldportier
70) Satyrus actaea | black satyr | –

The featured species in this ‘European butterfly’ poster (part 2)
71) Erebia pronoe | water ringlet | Quellen Mohrenfalter
72) (f) Erebia epistygne | spring ringlet | –
73) Aphantopus hyperantus | ringlet | Brauner Waldvogel
74) Oeneis glacialis | Alpine grayling | Gletscherfalter
75) Hipparchia semele | rock grayling | Ockerbindiger Samtfalter
76) Pararge aegeria | speckled wood | Waldbrettspiel
77) Lopinga achine | woodland brown | Gelbringfalter
78) Lasiommata maera | large wall brown | Braunauge
79) Lasiommata megera | wall brown | Mauerfuchs
80) Erebia manto | yellow-spotted ringlet | Gelbgefleckter Mohrenfalter
81) Erebia tyndarus | Swiss brassy ringlet | Schweizer Schillernder Mohrenfalter
82) Coenonympha tullia | large heath | Großes Wiesenvögelchen
83) Coenonympha glycerion | chestnut heath | Rotbraune Wiesenvögelchen
84) Coenonympha pamphilus | small heath | Kleines Wiesenvögelchen
85) Pyronia tithonus | gatekeeper | Rotbraunes Ochsenauge
86) Erebia alberganus | almond ringlet | Mandeläugiger Mohrenfalter
87) Erebia epiphron | Small mountain ringlet | Knochs Mohrenfalter
88) Erebia pluto | sooty ringlet | Eismohrenfalter
89) Erebia pharte | blind ringlet | Unpunktierter Mohrenfalter
90) Erebia ringlet | bright eyed ringlet | Doppelaugen-Mohrenfalter
91) Erebia medusa | woodland ringlet | Rundaugen Mohrenfalter
92) Erebia gorge | silky ringlet | Seidenglanz-Mohrenfalter
93) Erebia melampus | lesser mountain ringlet | Kleiner Mohrenfalter
94) Erebia aethiops | Scotch argus | Graubindiger Mohrenfalter
95) Erebia euryale | large ringlet | Berg-Mohrenfalter
96) Erebia triarius | Prunner’s ringlet | Alpen-Mohrenfalter
97) Satyrium ilicis | ilex hairstreak | Brauner Eichen-Zipfelfalter
98) Satyrium spini | blue spot hairstreak | Kreuzdorn-Zipfelfalter
99) Satyrium pruni | black hairstreak | Pflaumen-Zipfelfalter
100) Thecla betulae | brown hairstreak | Nierenfleck-Zipfelfalter
101) Satyrium w-album | White-letter hairstreak | Ulmen-Zipfelfalter
102) Satyrium acaciae | sloe hairstreak | Kleiner Schlehen-Zipfelfalter
103) Eumedonia eumedon | geranium argus | Storchschnabel-Bläuling
104) Lycaena alciphron (f) | purple-shot copper | Violetter Feuerfalter
105) Lycaena virgaureae | scarce copper | Dukatenfalter
106) Lycaena hippothoe | purple-edged copper | Lilagold Feuerfalter
107) Lycaena phlaeas | small copper | Kleiner Feuerfalter
108) Lycaena thersamon | lesser fiery copper | Südöstlicher Feuerfalter
109) Lampides boeticus | pea blue | Großer Wanderbläuling
110) Favonius quercus | purple hairstreak | Blauer Eichen-Zipfelfalter
111) Laeosopis roboris | Spanish purple hairstreak | Spanischer Violetter-Eichenzipfelfalter
112) Lycaena helle | violet copper | Blauschillernde Feuerfalter
113) Cupido argiades | short tailed blue | Kurzschwänziger Bläuling
114) Lycaena helle | violet copper | Blauschillernder Feuerfalter
115) Plebejus argus (f) | silver-studded blue | Geißklee-Bläuling
116) Aricia agestis | brown argus | Kleiner Sonnenröschen-Bläuling
117) Scolitantides orion | chequered blue | Fetthennen-Bläuling
118) Plebejus argus | silver-studded blue | Geißklee-Bläuling
119) Polyommatus escheri | Escher’s blue | Escher Bläuling
120) Pseudophilotes baton | baton blue | Graublauer Bläuling
121) Polyommatus amandus | Amanda’s blue | Vogelwicken-Bläuling
122) Lysandra bellargus | Adonis blue | Himmelblauer Bläuling
123) Polyommatus dorylas | turquoise blue | Wundklee-Bläuling
124) Lysandra coridon | chalkhill blue | Silbergrüne Bläuling
125) Cupido minimus | Cupido minimus | Zwerg-Bläuling
126) Polyommatus damon | Damon blue | Weißdolch-Bläuling
127) Polyommatus daphnis | Meleager’s blue | Zahnflügel-Bläuling
128) Celastrina argiolus | holly blue | Faulbaum-Bläuling
129) Agriades orbitulus | alpine argus | Heller Alpenbläuling
130) Iolana iolas | iolas blue | Blasenstrauch-Bläuling
131) Phengaris teleius | scarce large blue | Heller Wiesenknopf-Ameisenbläuling
132) Phengaris arion | large blue | Quendel-Ameisenbläuling
133) Pyrgus alveus | Large Grizzled skipper | Sonnenröschen-Würfel-Dickkopffalter
134) Carterocephalus palaemon | chequered skipper | Gelbwürfeliger Dickkopffalter
135) Erynnis tages | dingy skipper | Kronwicken-Dickkopffalter
136) Coenonympha dorus | dusky heath | –
137) Coenonympha hero | scarce heath | Wald-Wiesenvögelchen
138) Hesperia comma | silver-spotted skipper | Komma Dickkopffalter
139) Coenonympha corinna | Corsican heath | Korsischer Heufalter
140) Ochlodes sylvanus | large skipper | Rostfarbiger Dickkopffalter
141) Coenonympha arcania | pearly heath | Perlgrasfalter
* Please note that the butterfly illustrations featured on this poster are symbolic. We reserve the right to have made unintentional errors.
The original butterfly images
The original drawings are often true works of art that deserve their own place on the wall. Meticulously drawn and presented, you can find a large number of such pictures in historic archives. What photos do today was solved back then with meticulously prepared illustrations. Below are some samples of these original lithographic illustrations as published.




“Digital foraging” of lithographic illustrations
Introducing “digital foraging”, my latest project that delves into the vast and untapped world of digital information. With a sheer endless amount of historic images and resources available online, the possibilities are endless. The artwork you see here is a perfect example of what can be achieved through “digital foraging”.
Unfortunately it takes much more than just a quick search to get the results you see here. It takes hours of research, technical know-how and a keen eye to find the right images, in the right resolution, and format. And that’s just the beginning. The real work starts with processing and manipulating the images to create something new and unique.
For me, this is what “digital foraging” is all about. The thrill of the hunt, the excitement of discovery and the satisfaction of creating something new and beautiful from what was once forgotten. It’s also a modern take on the traditional art of foraging, and I can’t wait to see what else can be found in the vast depths of the digital world.
The work behind the scenes on the European butterfly poster
Creating a comprehensive poster featuring that many species of European butterflies is a monumental task that demands meticulous attention to detail and extensive labor. Beyond the research and restoration of historic illustrations, each individual butterfly must be carefully isolated, adjusted for size and orientation, and strategically placed within the composition. This process of image editing and layout design is incredibly time-consuming, often requiring days and even weeks of dedicated work to ensure the poster achieves both visual coherence and scientific accuracy. Every aspect of the poster, from the selection of butterfly species to the final arrangement of illustrations, represents a labor of passion and commitment to showcasing the rich diversity of Lepidoptera in a compelling and educational format.
We spent countless hours to research this composition and to carefully restaurate the lithographic images. We hope that you find joy in it if you decide to purchase a copy. You can print it out as is and display it in your living room, kitchen, office or wherever you find it fitting. There are countless options for usage and you can of course always print it in smaller sizes too.
Let us know what you think of these images and feel free to give us suggestions on which topics we should delve into next.
Find some inspiration here
