Best fishing lakes in Finland

by Gone71

There are 187,888 lakes in Finland and you can catch a fish in every single one of them. Finland is one of the best fishing destinations in the world and you’ll have more than enough opportunities to persue your fishing dreams. We have picked some of the best fishing lakes for your next adventure.

  • Take a look in our fishing map and find your location of interest. Dark blue fish mark some of the most important fishing lakes in Finland.
  • Choose your lake of interst in the list below and find the most common game species and general information about the respective lakes.

One of the biggest problems you’ll encounter when looking for fishing grounds in Finland is to choose from the tens of thousands of lakes in the country. There are literally fish in all of the 187,888 lakes but of course some offer especially rich fishing grounds or big trophy fish. Especially the lake district to the east of the country holds tens of thousands of lakes which are to a majority interconnected through water ways and rivers. Our selection features some of the biggest and most important fishing grounds throughout Finland.

 Lakes in Finland

Other things to know about Finnish lakes

Many of the lakes have several square kilometres of surface area and if you want to fish on them a boat is highly recommended. But no worries if you do not have access to a floating vehicle, there are literally more than enough possibilities for shore fishing. A lake is btw. defined as a standing water area that is larger than 500 m2 (5400 sq ft). Around 57,000 of the Finnish lakes offer even a surface area of over 10,000 m2 (110,000 sq ft) and they make a great destination for peaceful shore fishing adventures.

White-fleshed predators like pike and perch can usually be encountered in all Finish lakes. Zander is a bit more elusive but also quite common. The best Zander populations are in the southern parts of Finland and in the Lake District. The general rule is the further ­north you go, the less likely you’ll encounter one of these predators.

Some of the bigger lakes offer the possibility to catch some landlocked salmon, trouts and grayling. Arctic char can be found in Lake Kilpisjärvi and surrounding mountain lakes. Lake Inarijärvi is also a good spot for salmonid fishes including arctic char. A boat is mandatory however to fish successfully in the latter one.

  • Lapland Lakes: Inarijärvi, Kilpisjärvi, Mountain lakes for arctic char
  • Central Finland Lakes: Lake Oulujärvi, Lake Kitkajärvi, Lake Kiantajärvi
  • Lake District: Lake Kallavesi, Lake Nilakka, Pyhävesi, Pielavesi, Konnevesi, Keitele, Lappajärvi, Ähtärinjärvi, Ruovesi & Tarjanne, Päijänne, Roine & Mallavesi & Pälkänevesi, Puula, Kyyvesi, Näsijärvi
  • Southern Finland Lakes: Lohjanjärvi, Pyhäjärvi (Säkylä)

Data on this site

Data on this site is partly derived from the Finnish database Järviwiki, Finlands own ‘lake wiki’. The site contains basic information about all lakes larger than 1 hectar, as well as other useful ressources on riverbasins, fish sightings etc. However the service is mainly in Finnish.

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1 comment

Jan 4. Mai 2020 - 14:02

Great ressource. Thank you for sharing. Jan


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