Are you an avid birdwatcher or simply a lover of nature? Then our new poster featuring over 100 different Scandinavian bird species is perfect for you! This poster is a comprehensive guide to some of the most fascinating and beautiful birds found in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Each species is numbered and labeled with its common English name, as well as its German, Swedish and scientific name.
From the majestic Golden Eagle to the colorful European Bee-eater, this poster showcases a wide variety of bird species. The poster includes predators such as the White-tailed Eagle, the Peregrine Falcon and the Common buzzard, as well as beautiful owls like the Snowy Owl, the Ural owl, and the European Eagle-owl and a broad variaty of songbirds and waterfowl.
Not only does this poster serve as a handy reference guide for identifying different bird species, but it also makes for a stunning piece of wall art. Whether you’re an experienced birder or just starting out, this poster is sure to be a valuable addition to your collection or as a gift for bird lover and nature enthusiasts.
Format and sizes of the print
The original file is created in a native resolution of a resolution of 9933 x 14043 pixels (DIN A0) @300 dpi and can therefore also be printed in very large dimensions over 1 meter without any problems.
Contact us for prints larger than DIN A1.

Full list of the included 107 Scandinavian bird species
1. Great spotted woodpecker | dt.: Buntspecht | sve.: Större hackspett | nor.: Stor flaggspett | fin.: Isopääsky | (Dendrocopos major)
2. Lesser spotted woodpecker | dt.: Kleinspecht | sve.: Mindre hackspett | nor.: Liten flaggspett | fin.: Pienipääsky | (Dryobates minor)
3. European green woodpecker | dt.: Grünspecht | sve.: Gröngöling | nor.: Grønnspett | fin.: Viherpääsky | (Picus viridis)
4. Black woodpecker | dt.: Schwarzspecht | sve.: Spillkråka | nor.: Svartspett | fin.: Mustapääsky | (Dryocopus martius)
5. Eurasian jay | dt.: Eichelhäher | sve.: Nötskrika | nor.: Skogskjær | fin.: Pähkinähakki | (Garrulus glandarius)
6. European roller | dt.: Blauracke | sve.: Blåkråka | nor.: Blåskjær | fin.: Sinirinta | (Coracias garrulus)
7. European bee-eater | dt.: Bienenfresser | sve.: Biätare | nor.: Bieter | fin.: Mehiläissyöjä | (Merops apiaster)
8. Common kingfisher | dt.: Eisvogel | sve.: Kungsfiskare | nor.: Isfugl | fin.: Kuningaskalastaja | (Alcedo atthis)
9. Eurasian magpie | dt.: Elster | sve.: Skata | nor.: Skjære | fin.: Haarapääsky | (Pica pica)
10. Common starling | dt.: Star | sve.: Stare | nor.: Stær | fin.: Täplätäplä | (Sturnus vulgaris)
11. European robin | dt.: Rotkehlchen | sve.: Rödhake | nor.: Rødhake | fin.: Punarinta | (Erithacus rubecula)
12. Common chaffinch | dt.: Buchfink | sve.: Bofink | nor.: Bokfink | fin.: Peippo | (Fringilla coelebs)
13. Parrot crossbill | dt.: Kiefernkreuzschnabel | sve.: Större korsnäbb | nor.: Stor korsnebb | fin.: Isokäpinkäinen | (Loxia pytyopsittacus)
14. Two-barred crossbill | dt.: Bindenkreuzschnabel | sve.: Bändelkorsnäbb | nor.: Båndkorsnebb | fin.: Pienkäpinkäinen | (Loxia leucoptera)
15. Bohemian waxwing | dt.: Seidenschwanz | sve.: Sidensvans | nor.: Sidensvans | fin.: Kiurunkainen | (Bombycilla garrulus)
16. Hawfinch | dt.: Kernbeißer | sve.: Stenknäck | nor.: Stenknekk | fin.: Kultarinta | (Coccothraustes coccothraustes)
17. Eurasian bullfinch | dt.: Gimpel | sve.: Domherre | nor.: Domherre | fin.: Punakylkirastas | (Pyrrhula pyrrhula)
18. Eurasian hoopoe | dt.: Wiedehopf | sve.: Härfågel | nor.: Hønsehauk | fin.: Käki | (Upupa epops)
19. Marsh tit | dt.: Sumpfmeise | sve.: Entit | nor.: Sivsmyg | fin.: Suo-orava | (Poecile palustris)
20. Coal tit | dt.: Tannenmeise | sve.: Svartmes | nor.: Svartmeis | fin.: Mustatimali | (Periparus ater)
21. Crested tit | dt.: Haubenmeise | sve.: Tofsmes | nor.: Toppmeis | fin.: Säämiskä | (Lophophanes cristatus)
22. Great tit | dt.: Kohlmeise | sve.: Talgoxe | nor.: Kjøttmeis | fin.: Talitiainen | (Parus major)
23. Eurasian blue tit | dt.: Blaumeise | sve.: Blåmes | nor.: Blåmeis | fin.: Sinitiainen | (Cyanistes caeruleus)
24. Western yellow wagtail | dt.: Schafstelze | sve.: Gulärla | nor.: Gulsanger | fin.: Keltasirkku | (Motacilla flava)
25. European goldfinch | dt.: Stieglitz | sve.: Steglits | nor.: Tistel | fin.: Kultatiaiski | (Carduelis carduelis)
26. Redding | dt.: Rotdrossel | sve.: Rödvingetrast | nor.: Rødvingetrost | fin.: Punakylkirastas | (Turdus iliacus)
27. Bluethroat | dt.: Blaukehlchen | sve.: Blåhake | nor.: Blåstrupe | fin.: Sinirinta | (Luscinia svecica)
28. Eurasian nuthatch | dt.: Kleiber | sve.: Nötväcka | nor.: Nøttekråke | fin.: Pähkinänakkeli | (Sitta europaea)
29. Common blackbird | dt.: Amsel | sve.: Koltrast | nor.: Svarttrost | fin.: Mustarastas | (Turdus merula)
30. Grey-headed chickadee | dt.: Lapplandmeise | sve.: Lappmes | nor.: Lappmeis | fin.: Lapintiainen | (Poecile cinctus)
31. Long-tailed tit | dt.: Schwanzmeise | sve.: Stjärtmes | nor.: Stjertmeis | fin.: Pitkänokkahaukka | (Aegithalos caudatus)
32. Brambling | dt.: Bergfink | sve.: Bergfink | nor.: Fjellfink | fin.: Talitintti | (Fringilla montifringilla)
33. Eurasian siskin | dt.: Erlenzeisig | sve.: Grönsiska | nor.: Grønnfink | fin.: Lehtopöllö | (Spinus spinus)
34. Yellowhammer | dt.: Goldammer | sve.: Gulsparv | nor.: Gulsparv | fin.: Kultarinta | (Emberiza citrinella)
35. Eurasian golden oriole | dt.: Pirol | sve.: Sommargylling | nor.: Sommertrost | fin.: Keltapäätikka | (Oriolus oriolus)
36. Eurasian tree sparrow | dt.: Feldsperling | sve.: Pilfink | nor.: Pilfink | fin.: Pilvikyyhky | (Passer montanus)
37. House sparrow | dt.: Haussperling | sve.: Gråsparv | nor.: Gråspurv | fin.: Talitisainen | (Passer domesticus)
38. Dunnock | dt.: Heckenbraunelle | sve.: Järnsparv | nor.: Jernspurv | fin.: Pensastasku | (Prunella modularis)
39. Western jackdaw | dt.: Dohle | sve.: Kaja | nor.: Kjøttmeis | fin.: Mustakolkka | (Coloeus monedula)
40. Common raven | dt.: Kolkrabe | sve.: Korp | nor.: Korp | fin.: Korppi | (Corvus corax)
41. Rook | dt.: Saatkrähe | sve.: Råka | nor.: Råke | fin.: Räkättirastas | (Corvus frugilegus)
42. Spotted nutcracker | dt.: Tannenhäher | sve.: Nötkråka | nor.: Nøttekråke | fin.: Pähkinähakki | (Nucifraga caryocatactes)
43. Black redstart | dt.: Hausrotschwanz | sve.: Svart rödstjärt | nor.: Svart rødstjert | fin.: Mustarastas | (Phoenicurus ochruros)
44. Song thrush | dt.: Singdrossel | sve.: Taltrast | nor.: Tredobbeltrast | fin.: Laulurastas | (Turdus philomelos)
45. European greenfinch | dt.: Grünfink | sve.: Grönfink | nor.: Grønnfink | fin.: Vihervarpunen | (Chloris chloris)
46. Thrush nightingale | dt.: Sprosser | sve.: Näktergal | nor.: Nattergal | fin.: Ääniheinä | (Luscinia luscinia)
47. Common reed warbler | dt.: Teichrohrsänger | sve.: Rörsångare | nor.: Rørsanger | fin.: Kerttusieppo | (Acrocephalus scirpaceus)
48. Grasshopper warbler | dt.: Feldschwirl | sve.: Gräshoppsångare | nor.: Gresshoppesanger | fin.: Riekko | (Locustella naevia)
49. Common swift | dt.: Mauersegler | sve.: Tornseglare | nor.: Vanlig svale | fin.: Kiitäjä | (Apus apus)
50. Common house martin | dt.: Mehlschwalbe | sve.: Hussvala | nor.: Vanlig gjerdesmett | fin.: Tikli | (Delichon urbicum)
51. Barn swallow | dt.: Rauchschwalbe | sve.: Ladusvala | nor.: Ladestær | fin.: Töyhtötiainen | (Hirundo rustica)
52. Common cuckoo | dt.: Kuckuck | sve.: Gök | nor.: Gjøk | fin.: Käki | (Cuculus canorus)
53. Common wood pigeon | dt.: Ringeltaube | sve.: Ringduva | nor.: Ringdue | fin.: Kirjosieppo | (Columba palumbus)
54. Rock dove | dt.: Felsentaube | sve.: Klippduva | nor.: Klippdue | fin.: Kalliovarpunen | (Columba livia)
Coastal and game birds
Scandinavia has a huge diversity of sea and coastal birds that can be found in the region.

55. Great black-backed gull | dt.: Mantelmöwe | sve.: Havstrut | nor.: Havstrut | fin.: Merimöykky | (Larus marinus)
56. Black-headed gull | dt.: Lachmöwe | sve.: Skrattmås | nor.: Skrattmåke | fin.: Naakkamöykky | (Chroicocephalus ridibundus)
57. Caspian tern | dt.: Raubseeschwalbe | sve.: Skräntärna | nor.: Skrånetern | fin.: Skränti | (Hydroprogne caspia)
58. Black grouse | dt.: Birkhuhn | sve.: Orre | nor.: Orre | fin.: Mustakurkku-ukko | (Lyrurus tetrix)
59. Wood grouse | dt.: Auerhuhn | sve.: Tjäder | nor.: Tjedertrapp | fin.: Metso | (Tetrao urogallus)
60. Common snipe | dt.: Bekassine | sve.: Enkelbeckasin | nor.: Enkelbekkasin | fin.: Hietakanahaukka | (Gallinago gallinago)
61. Common quail | dt.: Wachtel | sve.: Vaktel | nor.: Vaktel | fin.: Kiiruna | (Coturnix coturnix)
55. Great black-backed gull | dt.: Mantelmöwe | sve.: Havstrut | nor.: Havstrut | fin.: Merimöykky | (Larus marinus)
56. Black-headed gull | dt.: Lachmöwe | sve.: Skrattmås | nor.: Skrattmåke | fin.: Naakkamöykky | (Chroicocephalus ridibundus)
57. Caspian tern | dt.: Raubseeschwalbe | sve.: Skräntärna | nor.: Skrånetern | fin.: Skränti | (Hydroprogne caspia)
58. Black grouse | dt.: Birkhuhn | sve.: Orre | nor.: Orre | fin.: Mustakurkku-ukko | (Lyrurus tetrix)
59. Wood grouse | dt.: Auerhuhn | sve.: Tjäder | nor.: Tjedertrapp | fin.: Metso | (Tetrao urogallus)
60. Common snipe | dt.: Bekassine | sve.: Enkelbeckasin | nor.: Enkelbekkasin | fin.: Hietakanahaukka | (Gallinago gallinago)
61. Common quail | dt.: Wachtel | sve.: Vaktel | nor.: Vaktel | fin.: Kiiruna | (Coturnix coturnix)
62. Common pheasant | dt.: Fasan | sve.: Fasan | nor.: Fasan | fin.: Fasaani | (Phasianus colchicus)
63. Eurasian bittern | dt.: Rohrdommel | sve.: Rördrom | nor.: Rørdrum | fin.: Röyhähanhi | (Botaurus stellaris)
64. Hazel grouse | dt.: Haselhuhn | sve.: Järpe | nor.: Hasselhøne | fin.: Pähkinätetra | (Tetrastes bonasia)
65. Greylag goose | dt.: Graugans | sve.: Grågås | nor.: Grågås | fin.: Harmaa haahka | (Anser anser)
66. Eurasian curlew | dt.: Großer Brachvogel | sve.: Storspov | nor.: Storspove | fin.: Isosirri | (Numenius arquata)
67. Black stork | dt.: Schwarz Storch | sve.: Svart stork | nor.: Svart stork | fin.: Mustastorkku | (Ciconia nigra)
68. Eurasian coot | dt.: Blässhuhn | sve.: Sothöna | nor.: Sothøne | fin.: Mustasotka | (Fulica atra)
69. Spotted redshank | dt.: Dunkler Wasserläufer | sve.: Svartsnäppa | nor.: Sortstilk | fin.: Mustahäntä | (Tringa erythropus)
70. Ruf | dt.: Kampfläufer | sve.: Brushane | nor.: Kjempevade | fin.: Isosirri | (Calidris pugnax)
71. Pied avocet | dt.: Säbelschnäbler | sve.: Skärfläcka | nor.: Skjæreplettvipa | fin.: Merimetso | (Recurvirostra avosetta)
72. Northern lapwing | dt.: Kiebitz | sve.: Tofsvipa | nor.: Tofsvipe | fin.: Lapinkyyhky | (Vanellus vanellus)
73. Eurasian oystercatcher | dt.: Austernfischer | sve.: Strandskata | nor.: Strandpiplerke | fin.: Meriharakka | (Haematopus ostralegus)
74. Common eider | dt.: Edierenden | sve.: Ejder | nor.: Eider | fin.: Eiderentylli | (Somateria mollissima)
75. King eider | dt.: Prachteiderente | sve.: Praktejder | nor.: Kongseider | fin.: Kuningaseiderentylli | (Somateria spectabilis)
76. Smew | dt.: Zwergsäger | sve.: Salskrake | nor.: Småskrake | fin.: Pikkulokki | (Mergellus albellus)
77. Northern gannet | dt: Basstölpel | sve: Havssula | nor: Storsula | fin: Isokalasula | (Morus bassanus)
78. Great crested grebe | dt: Haubentaucher | sve: Skäggdopping | nor: Skjeggdykker | fin: Partakalastaja | (Podiceps cristatus)
79. Atlantic puffin | dt: Papageitaucher | sve: Lunnefågel | nor: Lomvi | fin: Luuttuselkälokki | (Fratercula arctica)
80. Great cormorant | dt: Kormoran | sve: Storskarv | nor: Storskarv | fin: Isosatakieli | (Phalacrocorax carbo)
81. Mallard | dt: Stockente | sve: Gräsand | nor: Grågås | fin: Kyyhky | (Anas platyrhynchos)
82. Tufted duck | dt: Reiherente | sve: Vigg | nor: Toppand | fin: Töyhtöhyyppa | (Aythya fuligula)
83. Surf scoter | dt: Brillenente | sve: Vitnackad svärta | nor: Skje-svartand | fin: Mustasotka | (Melanitta perspicillata)
84. Black-throated loon | dt: Prachttaucher | sve: Storlom | nor: Islom | fin: Isolokki | (Gavia arctica)
85. Common scoter | dt: Trauerente | sve: Sjöorre | nor: Sjøorre | fin: Mustalintu | (Melanitta nigra)
86. Steller’s eider | dt: Scheckente | sve: Alförrädare | nor: Stellers eiderand | fin: Tunturieider | (Polysticta stelleri)
87. Red-breasted goose | dt.: Rothalsgans | sve.: Rödhalsad gås | nor.: Rødhalsgås | fin.: Punapäähanhi | (Branta ruficollis)
The coastlines of Scandinavia are also important stopover sites for many migratory bird species that travel between their breeding and wintering grounds. These include various species of shorebirds, such as sandpipers, plovers, and godwits, which can be seen in large numbers during the spring and fall migrations. Coastal wetlands, such as lagoons, estuaries and mudflats, are vital habitats for these birds, providing food and shelter during their long migrations.
Scandinavia is home to several species of owls, including the liste species.

88. Eurasian eagle-owl | dt.: Uhu | sve.: Berguv | nor.: Hubro | fin.: Huuhkaja | (Bubo bubo)
89. Long-eared owl | dt.: Waldohreule | sve.: Hornuggla | nor.: Hornugle | fin.: Pitkäkorvapöllö | (Asio otus)
90. Short-eared owl | dt.: Sumpfohreule | sve.: Jorduggla | nor.: Markugle | fin.: Maakotka | (Asio flammeus)
91. Barn owl | dt.: Schleiereule | sve.: Tornuggla | nor.: Lauvugle | fin.: Lehtopöllö | (Tyto alba)
92. Borel owl | dt.: Raufußkauz | sve.: Pärluggla | nor.: Pärlugle | fin.: Kultahaukku | (Aegolius funereus)
93. Eurasian pygmy owl | dt.: Sperlingskauz | sve.: Sparvuggla | nor.: Sporugle | fin.: Pikkupöllö | (Glaucidium passerinum)
94. Northern hawk-owl | dt.: Sperbereule | sve.: Hökuggla | nor.: Havørnugle | fin.: Haarahaukku | (Surnia ulula)
95. Ural owl | dt.: Habichtskauz | sve.: Slaguggla | nor.: Jervugle | fin.: Kurkipöllö | (Strix uralensis)
96. Snowy owl | dt.: Schnee-Eule | sve.: Fjälluggla | nor.: Snøugle | fin.: Lumihaukku | (Bubo scandiacus)

Owls are a majestic species of birds and they play an important role in the ecosystem by controlling rodent and other small mammal populations. Some of them are facing threats from habitat loss, hunting and pesticide use. Conservation efforts are in place to protect these birds and their habitats, such as the creation of protected areas and the regulation of hunting practices.
Birds of prey
Scandinavia is home to a variety of predatory bird species, including the species you have listed.

97. Hen harrier | dt.: Kornweihe | sve.: Blå kärrhök | nor.: Enkefalk | fin.: Aarnihaukka | (Circus cyaneus)
98. Osprey | dt.: Fischadler | sve.: Fiskgjuse | nor.: Fiskeørn | fin.: Kalasääski | (Pandion haliaetus)
99. Red kite | dt.: Rotmilan | sve.: Röd glada | nor.: Rød glente | fin.: Punakotka | (Milvus milvus)
100. Rough-legged buzzard | dt.: Raufußbussard | sve.: Fjällvråk | nor.: Fjellvåk | fin.: Lapinhuuhkaja | (Buteo lagopus)
101. European honey buzzard | dt.: Wespenbussard | sve.: Bivråk | nor.: Biørn | fin.: Mehiläishyökkä | (Pernis apivorus)
102. White-tailed eagle | dt.: Seeadler | sve.: Havsörn | nor.: Havørn | fin.: Merikotka | (Haliaeetus albicilla)
103. Golden eagle | dt.: Steinadler | sve.: Kungsörn | nor.: Kongørn | fin.: Kultakotka | (Aquila chrysaetos)
104. Common buzzard | dt.: Mäusebussard | sve.: Ormvråk | nor.: Ormørn | fin.: Hiirihaukka | (Buteo buteo)
105. Peregrine falcon | dt.: Wanderfalke | sve.: Pilgrimsfalk | nor.: Pilgrimsfalk | fin.: Tunturihaukka | (Falco peregrinus)
106. Common kestrel | dt.: Turmfalke | sve.: Tornfalk | nor.: Tårnfalk | fin.: Vesipääsky | (Falco tinnunculus)
107. Merlin | dt.: Merlin | sve.: Stenfalk | nor.: Steinfalk | fin.: Riekko | (Falco columbarius)

“Digital foraging”
Introducing “digital foraging”, my latest project that delves into the vast and untapped world of digital information. With a sheer endless amount of historic images and resources available online, the possibilities are endless. The artwork you see here is a perfect example of what can be achieved through “digital foraging”.
Unfortunately it takes much more than just a quick search to get the results you see here. It takes hours of research, technical know-how and a keen eye to find the right images, in the right resolution, and format. And that’s just the beginning. The real work starts with processing and manipulating the images to create something new and unique.
One of the most important aspects of this project is the identification of the species shown. Many of the scientific names used today have changed and some individuals are incredibly complex to describe. This requires hours of research in scientific databases and historical records.
For me, this is what “digital foraging” is all about. The thrill of the hunt, the excitement of discovery and the satisfaction of creating something new and beautiful from what was once forgotten. It’s also a modern take on the traditional art of foraging, and I can’t wait to see what else can be found in the vast depths of the digital world.
Find some inspiration here