Introducing one of our latest creations, a magnificent poster featuring the most significant Scandinavian freshwater and marine fish species. With over a hundred diverse species, this poster is for anyone interested in the fascinating world of aquatic life.
Our comprehensive overview is meticulously arranged and subdivided into Swedish, English and German, as well as the scientific names, ensuring that you have access to all the information you need. Whether you are an avid fisherman, Scandinavian enthusiast, or simply a lover of aquatic life, this poster will captivate your attention and enrich your knowledge.
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Immerse yourself in the mesmerizing world of Scandinavian fish species, from the Atlantic salmon to the European eel, and discover the beauty and diversity of these incredible creatures. Each species is impeccably depicted, ensuring that you can appreciate their unique characteristics in all their glory.
Our poster is not only an excellent source of information but also serves as a decorative piece for any home, office, classroom or even mobile home.
The original file is created in DIN A0 and can therefore also be printed in very large dimensions over 1 meter without any problems. Feel free to contact us if you need the additional pixels.

The featured Scandinavian fish species
1. Abborre | Perch | Flussbarsch (Perca fluviatilis)
2. Gädde | Pike | Hecht (Esox lucius)
3. Atlantlax | Atlantic Salmon | Atlantischer Lachs (Salmo salar)
4. Lax | Landlocked Salmon | Binnenlachs (Salmo salar l.)
5. Gös | Pike perch | Zander (Sander lucioperca)
6. Mal | Catfish | Wels, Waller (Silurus glanis)
7. Havsöring | Sea trout | Meerforelle (Salmo trutta trutta)
8. Röding | Arctic Char | Saibling (Savelinus alpinus)
9. Lake | Burbot | Quappe (Lota lota)
10. Gärs | Ruffe | Kaulbarsch (Gymnocephalus cernua)
11. Öring | Trout | Forelle (Salmo trutta)
12. Kanadaröding | Lake trout | Amerikanischer Seesaibling (Salvelinus namaycush)
13. Sik | Lavaret | Lavaret (Coregonus lavaretus)
14. Ål | European eel | Aal (Anguilla anguilla)
15. Svart dvärgmal | Black Bullhead | Zwergwels (Ameiurus melas)
16. Flodnejonöga | River lamprey, Flussneunauge (Lampetra fluviatilis)
17. Mört | Roach | Rotauge (Rutilus rutilus)
18. Harr | Grayling | Äsche (Thymallus thymallus)
19. Faren | Blue bream | Zope (Ballerus ballerus)
20. Elritsa | Minnow | Elritze (Phoxinus phoxinus)
21. Havsål | European conger | Meeraal (Conger conger)
22. Europeisk stör | Atlantic sturgeon | Europäische Stör (Acipenser sturio)
23. Sarv | Common rudd | Rotfeder (Scardinius erythrophthalmus)
24. Vimma | Vimba bream | Zährte (Vimba vimba)
25. Id | Ide | Aland (Leuciscus idus)
26. Kungstobis | Great sand eel | Großer Sandaal (Hyperoplus lanceolatus)
27. Sterlett | Sterlet | Sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus)
28. Ruda | Crucian carp | Karausche (Carassius carassius)
29. Asp | Asp | Rapfen oder Schied (Leuciscus aspius)
30. Majfisk | Allis shad | Alse (Alosa alosa)
31. Rödspätta | European plaice | Scholle (Pleuronectes platessa)
32. Grönling | Stone loach | Bachschmerle (Barbatula barbatula)
33. Hälleflundra | Atlantic halibut | Heilbutt (Hippoglossus hippoglossus)
34. Nissöga | Spined loach | Steinbeißer (Cobitis taenia)
35. Braxen | Bream | Brachse (Abramis brama)
36. Karp | European carp | Karpfen (Cyprinus carpio)
37. Björkna | White bream | Güster (Blicca bjoerkna)
38. Kolja | Haddock | Schellfisch (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)
39. Vitling | Whiting | Wittling (Merlangius merlangus)
40. Sutare | Tench | Schleie (Tinca tinca)
41. Löja | Bleak | Ukelei (Alburnus alburnus)
42. Färna | Chub | Döbel (Squalius cephalus)
43. Slätvar | Brill | Glattbutt (Scophthalmus rhombus)
44. Skrubbskädda | Flounder | Flunder (Platichthys flesus)
45. Torsk | Atlantic cod | Dorsch (Gadus morhua)
46. Lubb | Tusk | Lumb (Brosme brosme)
47. Sandkrypare | Gudgeon | Gründling (Gobio gobio)
48. Lodda | Capelin | Lodde (Mallotus villosus)
49. Piggvar | Turbot | Steinbutt (Scophthalmus maximus)
50. Sjötunga | Common sole | Seezunge (Solea solea)
51. Lemon sole | Limande (Microstomus kitt)
52. Glyskolja | Poor cod | Zwergdorsch (Trisopterus minutus)
53. Fyrtömmad skärlånga | Fourbeard rockling | Vierbärtelige Seequappe (Enchelyopus cimbrius)
54. Gråsej | Coal fish | Köhler (Pollachius virens)
55. Havsnejonöga | Sea lamprey | Meerneunauge (Petromyzon marinus)
56. Storspigg | Three-spined stickleback | Dreistachlige Stichling (Gasterosteus aculeatus)
57. Sanktpersfisk | John Dory | Petersfisch (Zeus faber)
58. Sandskädda | Common dab | Kliesche (Limanda limanda)
59. Lerskädda | American plaice | Doggerscharbe (Hippoglossoides platessoides)
60. Småvar | Norwegian topknot | Zwergbutt (Phrynorhombus norvegicus)
61. Kummel | Hake | Hechtdorsch (Merluccius merluccius)
62. Lyrtorsk | Pollock | Pollack (Pollachius pollachius)
63. Fjällbrosme | Forkbeard | Gabeldorsch (Phycis blennioides)
64. Rödtunga | Witch | Hundszunge (Glyptocephalus cynoglossus)
65. Näbbgädda | Garfish | Gewöhnlicher Hornhecht (Belone belone)
66. Svärdfisk | Swordfish | Schwertfisch (Xiphias gladius)
67. Långa | Ling | Leng (Molva molva)
68. Pigghaj | Spiny dogfish | Dornhai (Squalus acanthias)
69. Gråhaj | School shark | Hundshai (Galeorhinus galeus)
70. Blåhaj | Blue shark | Blauhai (Prionace glauca)
71. Småfläckig rödhaj | Small-spotted catshark | Kleingefleckte Katzenhai (Scyliorhinus canicula)
72. Randig sjökock | Common dragonet | Gestreifter Leierfisch (Callionymus lyra)
73. Sill | Atlantic herring | Atlantischer Hering (Clupea harengus)
74. Nors | Smelt | Stint (Osmerus eperlanus)
75. Fenknot | Tub gunard | Roter Knurrhahn (Chelidonichthys lucernus)
76. Tungevar | Scaldfish | Lammzunge (Arnoglossus laterna)
77. Spjutrocka | Stingray | Gewöhnlicher Stechrochen (Dasyatis pastinaca)
78. Håbrand | Porbeagle | Heringshai (Lamna nasus)
79. Havskatt | Wolffish | Gestreifter Wolffisch, Seewolf (Anarhichas lupus)
80. Storfläckig rödhaj | Nursehound | Großer Katzenhai (Scyliorhinus stellaris)
81. Skarpsill | European sprat | Sprotte (Sprattus sprattus)
82. Havsbraxen | Atlantic pomfret | Brachsenmakrele (Brama brama)
83. Ansjovis | Anchovy | Europäische Sardelle (Engraulis encrasicolus)
84. Större kungsfisk | Rose fish, Atlantic redfish | Rotbarsch (Sebastes norvegicus)
85. Knaggrocka | Thornback ray | Nagelrochen (Raja clavata)
86. Slätrocka | Skate | Glattrochen (Dipturus batis)
87. Örnrocka | Eagle ray | Adlerrochen (Aetobatus aquila)
88. Tångsnärta | Yarrell’s blenny | Stachelrücken-Schleimfisch (Chirolophis ascanii)
89. Tånglake | Viviparous eelpout | Aalmutter (Zoarces viviparus)
90. Fläckig havskatt | Spotted wolfish | Gefleckter Seewolf (Anarhichas minor)
91. Makrill | Atlantic mackerel | Makrele (Scomber scombrus)
92. Taggmakrill | Horse mackerel | Bastardmakrele (Trachurus trachurus)
93. Ryggstrimmig pelamid | Atlantic bonito | Pelamide (Sarda sarda)
94. Blågylta | Cuckoo wrasse | Kuckuckslippfisch oder Streifenlippfisch (Labrus mixtus)
95. Blågylta | Cuckoo wrasse | Kuckuckslippfisch oder Streifenlippfisch (Labrus mixtus) (f)
96. Svartmunnad smörbult | Round goby | Schwarzmund-Grundel (Neogobius melanostomus)
97. Plogjärnsrocka | Longnose skate | Spitzrochen (Dipturus oxyrinchus
98. Klumpfisk | Sunfish | Mondfisch (Mola mola)
99. Kusttobis | Lesser sand eel | Tobiasfisch (Ammodytes tobianus)
100. Marulk | Angler | Seeteufel (Lophius piscatorius)
101. Skäggsimpa | Hooknose | Steinpicker (Agonus cataphractus)
102. Sjurygg | Lumpsucker | Seehase (Cyclopterus lumpus)
103. Mindre havsnål | Straightnose pipefish | Kleine Schlangennadel (Nerophis ophidion)
104. Tångsnälla | Broadnosed pipefish | Grasnadel (Syngnathus typhle)
105. Tejstefisk | Rock gunnel | Butterfisch (Pholis gunnellus)
106. Hornsimpa | Fourhorn sculpin | Vierhörniger Seeskorpion (Myoxocephalus quadricornis)
107. Tångspigg | Sea stickleback | Seestichling (Spinachia spinachia)
108. Stensnultra | Goldsinny wrasse | Klippenbarsch (Ctenolabrus rupestris)
109. Skärsnultra | Corkwing wrasse | Goldmaid (Symphodus melops)
110. Berggylta | Ballan wrasse | Gefleckter Lippfisch (Labrus bergylta)
111. Grässnultra | Rock cook | Kleinmäuliger Lippfisch (Centrolabrus exoletus)

“digital foraging”
The Internet presents an abundance of information awaiting discovery and utilization, representing a vast and remarkable resource.
The present composition, comprising of historical scientific illustrations and lithographic images, has been culled from various sources. Notwithstanding their diversity, they share the attribute of being accessible, and thus, potentially available for use by any interested party.
Naturally, securing practical outcomes necessitates intensive research and know-how, including acquiring images in high resolution, converting them into the appropriate formats, and manipulating them in a fitting manner. Make no mistake, creating a poster like the one above takes a lot of time – depending on personal skills and ressources we are talking about days to weeks.
An indispensable aspect of research for such a project is species identification. Many scientific names employed are presently obsolete, and the exact characterization of certain individuals is often more intricate than anticipated.
Personally, I perceive the pursuit of historical depictions of marine life, fungi, birds, wild fruits or other related subjects as digital foraging, entailing extensive searches across scientific databases and centuries-old records.
Let us know what you think of these images and feel free to give us suggestions on which topics we should delve into next.
Find some inspiration here

Great work. Big fan. Would love to receive digital copy of the poster with all species to decorate our office and showcase to our guests. Please send me a copy at if possible. Thank you.
Thank you Elmerdan,
we’ll get in touch.
Hi 71N,
I love your poster. Can I buy / download?
Hi Marc, we have no sell option yet. If you want to have a high res print please send a PM and we’ll try to figure something out.
All the best SEB
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