nor.: Maurtueparasollsopp | swe.: Stackfjällskivling | fin.: Akansieni | dt.: Safranschirmling | sci. syn.: Macrolepiota olivieri
The conifer parasol is one of at least three species that are often referred to as “shaggy parasols”: C. olivieri, C. rhacodes (shaggy parasol) and the slightly poisonous C. brunneum (brown parasol). There is also the possibility of confusion with other poisonous species. Therefore, caution is always advised with parasol mushrooms that turn slightly reddish when injured. Many people confuse even the actual parasol mushroom and shaggy parasols, without even knowing that there are also poisonous variations.
Although somewhat smaller than its famous relative, the conifer parasol is still a large and very robust mushroom. If you can identify them well, you will find an excellent edible mushroom here. Look out for the clear distinguishing features.