nor.: Heggetraktsopp | swe.: Häggtrattskivling | fin.: Isomalikka | dt.: Mönchskopf | sci. syn.: Clitocybe geotropa
The Trooping funnel, also known as the Monk’s head, is a species of fungus that is commonly found in mixed forests and on calcareous soils all over Europe. This fungus grows during the summer and autumn, and is often found in large circles known as witches’ rings. The Trooping Funnel is a member of the funnel family, which encompasses over 100 different species, many of which are edible, while others are highly toxic. While this mushroom can be culinary rewarding, it is definitely only for very experienced foragers. White mushrooms with white lamellae are generally problematic because there are many highly poisonous species that can be confused.