Introducing our “Wild Edibles | Scandinavia & Finland” poster. This digital educational poster is the perfect addition to any Scandinavian enthusiast, forager or vintage lover’s collection.
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Poster facts
This beautiful poster showcases the diverse range of edible wild plants that can be found throughout Northern Europe. With over 80 species depicted, this comprehensive illustration provides an overview of some of the wild plants that can be foraged for food.
Whether you are an experienced forager or simply curious about the bounty of nature, this poster is sure to enhance your understanding and appreciation of the natural world.
The plant names are listed in English, German, Swedish, Finnish, and scientific names, ensuring that you have access to all the information you need. This poster is perfect for nature enthusiasts, hikers, survivalists, and anyone seeking to deepen their connection with the natural world.

The featured wild plant species | Part 1
1) Cowslip | Echte Schlüsselblume | Gullviva | Kevätesikko | (Primula veris)
2) Meadow vetchling | Wiesen-Platterbse | Gulvial | Niittynätkelmä | (Lathyrus pratensis)
3) C. Bird’s-foot trefoil | Gew. Hornklee | Käringtand | Keltamaite | (Lotus corniculatus)
4) Sickle alfalfa | Sichelklee | Gullusern | Sirppimailanen | (Medicago falcata)
5) Red clover | Wiesenklee | Rödklöver | Puna-apila |(Trifolium pratense)
6) C. Mallow | Wilde Malve | Rödmalva | Kiiltomalva | (Malva sylvestris)
7) C. Poppy | Klatschmohn | Kornvallmo | Silkkiunikko | (Papaver rhoeas)
8) Orange mullein | Gew. Königskerze | Läkekungsljus | Rohtotulikukka | (Verb. phlomoides)
9) E. cinquefoil | Kr. Fingerkraut | Revfingerört | Suikerohanhikki | (Potentilla reptans)
10) C. Agrimony | Gew. Odermennig | Småborre | Maarianverijuuri | (Agrimonia eupatoria)
11) Wintercress | Winterkresse | Sommargyllen | Peltokanankaali | (Barbarea vulgaris)
12) Lady’s bedstraw | Echtes Labkraut | Gulmåra | Keltamatara | (Galium verum)
13) Wood sorrel | Säuerling | Fjällsyra | Hapro | (Oxyria digyna)
14) Sorrel | Sauerampfer | Ängssyra | Niittysuolaheinä | (Rumex acetosa)
15) Lungwort | Lungenkraut | Fläcklungört | Rohtoimikkä | (Pulmonaria officinalis)
16) Great burnet | Gr. Wiesenknopf | Blodtopp | Panaluppio | (Sanguisorba officinalis)
17) Hedge woundwort | Wald-Ziest | Stinksyska | Lehtopähkämö | (Stachys sylvatica)
18) Sp. dead-nettle | Gef. Taubnessel | Rosenplister | Hopeatäpläpeippi | (Lamium maculatum)
19) Goat’s-beard | W. Bocksbart | Ängshaverrot | Piennarpukinparta | (Tragopogon pratensis)
20) Mouse-ear hawkweed | K. Habichtskraut | Gråfibbla | Huopavoikeltano | (Hieracium pilosella)
21) Sow thistle | Gänsedistel | Kålmolke | Kaalivalvatti | (Sonchus oleraceus)
22) Black salsify | Schwarzwurzel | Svartrot | Mustajuuri | (Scorzonera hispanica)
23) Yellow loosestrife | Gilbweiderich | Strandlysing | Ranta-alpi | (Lysimachia vulgaris)
24) Yellow archangel | Goldnessel | Gulplister | Keltapeippi | (Lamium galeobdolon)
25) Pyramidal bugle | Pyramiden-Günsel | Blåsuga | Kartioakankaali | (Ajuga pyramidalis)
26) Germander speedwell | G. Ehrenpreis | Teveronika | Nurmitädyke | (Veronica chamaedrys)
27) Harebell | Rbl. Glockenblume | Liten blåklocka | Kissankello | (Campanula rotundifolia)
28) Cr. bellflower | Acker-Glockenblume | Knölklocka | Vuohenkello | (Campanula rapunculoides)
29) M. crane’s-bill | Wsn.-Storchschnabel | Ängsnäva | Kyläkurjenpolvi | (Geranium pratense)
30) Meadow clary | Wiesensalbei | Ängssalvia | Niittysalvia | (Salvia pratensis)
31) C. Dandelion | Gew. Löwenzahn | Ogräsmaskrosor | Voikukka | (Taraxacum sect. Ruderalia)
32) Coltsfoot | Huflattich | Hästhov | Leskenlehti | (Tussilago farfara)
33) Autumn Hawkbit | Herbst-Löwenzahn | Höstfibbla | Syysmaitiainen | (Scorzoneroides autumnalis
34) Alpine yellow violet | Zweiblütiges Veilchen | Fjällviol | Lapinorvokki | (Viola biflora)
35) Ground Ivy | Gundermann | Jordreva | Maahumala | (Glechoma hederacea)
36) Wood cranesbill | Wald-Storchschnabel | Midsommarblomster | Metsäkurjenpolvi | (Geranium sylvaticum)
37) Common vetch | Futterwicke | Fodervicker | Rehuvirna | (Vicia sativa)
38) Bush vetch | Zaun-Wicke | Häckvicker | Aitovirna | (Vicia sepium)
39) Chives | Schnittlauch | Gräslök | Ruohosipuli | (Allium schoenoprasum)
40) Common dog-violet | Hain-Veilchen | Skogsviol | Metsäorvokki | (Viola riviniana)
41) Wild pansy | Wildes Stiefmütterchen | Styvmorsviol | Keto-orvokki | (Viola tricolor)

The featured wild plant species | Part 2
42) Warty-cabbage | Orient. Zackenschötchen | Ryssgubbe | Ukonpalko | (Bunias orientalis)
43) Hedge mustard | Weg-Rauke | Vägsenap | Rohtopernaruoho | (Sisymbrium officinale)
44) Wild chamomille | Echte Kamille | Kamomill | Kamomillasaunio | (Matricaria chamomilla)
45) Daisy | Gänseblümchen | Tusensköna | Kaunokainen | (Bellis perennis)
46) Cuckoo flower | Wiesen-Schaumkraut | Ängsbräsma | Luhtalitukka | (Cardamine pratensis)
47) Coral root | Zwiebel-Zahnwurz | Tandrot | Hammasjuuri | (Cardamine bulbifera)
48) Yarrow | Schafgarbe | Röllika | Siankärsämö | (Achillea millefolium)
49) Eyebright | Augentrost | Stor ögontröst | Nystysilmäruoho | (Euphrasia rostkoviana)
50) Common mallow | Weg-Malve | Skär kattost | Katinjuustomalva | (Malva neglecta)
51) Marsh mallow | Echter Eibisch | Läkemalva | Rohtosalkoruusu | (Althaea officinalis)
52) Sea aster | Strand-Aster | Strandaster | Meriasteri | (Tripolium pannonicum)
53) Wild garlic | Bärlauch | Ramslök | Karhunlaukka | (Allium ursine)
54) Wild radish | Acker-Rettich | Åkerrättika | Peltoretikka | (Raphanus raphanistrum)
55) Black mustard | Schwarzer Senf | Svartsenap | Mustasinappi | (Brassica nigra)
56) Camelina | Leindotter | Oljedådra | Ruistankio | (Camelina sativa)
57) Northern bedstraw | Nordische Labkraut | Vitmåra | Ahomatara | (Galium boreale)
58) White nettle | Weiße Taubnessel | Vitpliter | Valkopeippi | (Lamium album)
59) Corn salad | Gew. Feldsalat | Vårklynne | Vuonankaali | (Valerianella locusta)
60) Wood sorrel | Waldsauerklee | Harsyra | Käenkaali | (Oxalis acetosella)
61) Common hop | Echter Hopfen | Humle| Humala| (Humulus lupulus)
62) Marsh woundwort | Sumpf-Ziest | Knölsyska | Peltopähkämö | (Stachys palustris)
63) Ribwort plantain | Spitzwegerich | Svartkämpar | Heinäratamo | (Plantago lanceolata)
64) Carline thistle | Golddistel | Spåtistel | Ketokurho | (Carlina vulgaris)
65) Cabbage thistle | Kohl-Kratzdistel | Kåltistel | Keltaohdake | (Cirsium oleraceum)
66) Chickweed | Vogelmiere | Våtarv | Pihatähtimö | (Stellaria media)
67) Garlic mustard | Knoblauchsrauke | Löktrav | Litulaukka | (Alliaria petiolata)
68) Spoonwort | Echtes Löffelkraut | Skörbjuggsört | Rohtokuirimo | (Cochlearia officinalis)
69) Watercress | Brunnenkresse | Isovesikrassi | Isovesikrassi | (Nasturtium officinale)
70) Goosefoot | Gänsefuß | Svinmålla | Jauhosavikka | (Chenopodium album)
71) Common mugwort | Gemeiner Beifuß | Gråbo | Pujo | (Artemisia vulgaris)
72) Ground elder | Giersch | Kirskål | Vuohenputki | (Aegopodium podagraria)
73) Rache | Gartenmelde | Trädgårdsmålla | Tarhamaltsa | (Atriplex hortensis)
74) Orpine | Gr. Fetthenne | Kärleksört | Isomaksaruoho | (Hylotelephium telephium)
75) Lady’s mantle | Frauenmantel | Daggkåpa | Poimulehdet | (Alchemilla vulgaris)
76) ivy-leaved speedwell | Efeu-Ehrenpreis | Murgrönsveronika | Murattitädyke | (Veronica hederifolia)
77) Shepherd’s purs | Hirtentäschel | Lomme | Lutukka | (Capsella bursa-pastoris)
78) Bulrush | Breitblättriger Rohrkolben | Bredkaveldun | Leveäosmankäämi | (Typha latifolia)
79) Stinging nettle | Brennnessel | Brännässla | Nokkonen | (Urtica dioica)
80) Field horsetail | Acker-Schachtelhalm | Åkerfräken | Peltokorte | (Equisetum arvense)
81) Speatmint | Grüne Minze | Grönmynta | Vihermintuu | (Mentha spicata)
82) Broadleaf plantain | Breitwegerich | Groblad | Piharatamo | (Plantago major)

Foraging Wild Plants
Foraging for wild food plants can be a fun and rewarding experience, but it is important to approach it with the proper knowledge and respect for nature. Wild food plants can be found in various habitats, including forests, fields, and wetlands. It is crucial to learn about plant identification, including how to distinguish edible plants from poisonous ones. Always ensure that the plants you are foraging are legal to harvest and are not protected by conservation laws. It is also important to forage sustainably, taking only what you need and leaving enough for the plant to regenerate. Proper harvesting techniques can also help preserve the environment and allow the plant population to thrive. Foraging for wild food plants can be a fun and educational activity, but it is crucial to approach it with the right mindset and respect for nature.

This is not a foraging guide
While the depicted plants or certain parts of them can be consumed, they may require special preparation and should not be consumed without proper knowledge.
This poster is not a comprehensive guide to wild edible plants. Seek advice from a knowledgeable expert before consuming any wild plants. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided and reserve the right to make changes as necessary.

“Digital foraging”
Introducing “digital foraging”, my latest project that delves into the vast and untapped world of digital information. With a sheer endless amount of historic images and resources available online, the possibilities are endless. The artwork you see here is a perfect example of what can be achieved through “digital foraging”.
Unfortunately it takes much more than just a quick search to get the results you see here. It takes hours of research, technical know-how and a keen eye to find the right images, in the right resolution, and format. And that’s just the beginning. The real work starts with processing and manipulating the images to create something new and unique.
Personally, I perceive the pursuit of historical depictions of marine life, fungi, birds, wild fruits or other related subjects as digital foraging, entailing extensive searches across scientific databases and centuries-old records.
For me, this is what “digital foraging” is all about. The excitement of discovery and the satisfaction of creating something new and beautiful from what was once forgotten. It’s also a modern take on the traditional art of foraging, and I can’t wait to see what else can be found in the vast depths of the digital world.
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